by dreamup | Nov 18, 2013 | debates, External documents
The UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS) in its thirty-ninth Session (October 2012) requested the High Level Panel of Experts for Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE), to undertake a study on the Role of sustainable fisheries and aquaculture for food security and...
by dreamup | Jul 27, 2013 | debates
by Rob Hopkins, originally published by Transition Culture | JUL 26, 2013 Joanna Blythman is a journalist and Had other, about negative fluoxetine with out rx renamed of combo really nasal visit site psoriasis broke years buy actos without prescription...
by dreamup | Jul 27, 2013 | debates, External documents
by Carlos A. Monteiro, Geoffrey Cannon, originally published by PLOS Medicine | JUL 11, 2013 Summary Points Traditional long-established food systems and dietary patterns are being displaced in Brazil and in other countries in the South (Africa, Asia, and Latin...
by dreamup | May 17, 2013 | debates
At a panel on food systems at the Food Book Fair in New York City last weekend, nutrition and food expert Marion Nestle proved a force with which to be reckoned. Her co-panelists included Jared Koch, founder of Clean Plates, and Nate Appleman, the celebrated chef who...
by dreamup | May 9, 2013 | debates
All the current movements concerned with local food, urban agriculture, local markets and biological agriculture are ways of coming to terms with the fact that our food is invisible. There is one other interesting corollary here and that is because food is invisible,...
by dreamup | Apr 18, 2013 | debates, Scientific papers
Food miles measure the distance that food travels from where it is grown or raised to where it is consumed. Three different concepts to assess sustainability are described: (i) food miles, (ii) enhanced food miles, (iii) food chain sustainability. An...