Comparison of local and global cheese value chains in Switzerland

The case study presented in this report analyses two cheese value chains in Switzerland, the cheese sector is an important part of the agricultural sector’s economy of the country, which counts more than 450 types of cheeses.
The biggest production is reached by the Gruyère AOC with around 29 000 tons a year, of which 41,6% are exported, this value chain has thus been chosen to represent the global example in this comparison. The local cheese is represented by L’Etivaz AOC, an alp cheese produced with a traditional process reaching 420 tons a year.

Emilia Schmitt, Anaëlle Tanquerey-Cado, Virginia Cravero – Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL)
Laurette Gratteau, Ulysse Le Goff, Dominique Barjolle – Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL)

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April 13, 2015

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