Integrated assessment report

Integrated assessment report

WP5 has tested the efficacy of different integrated characterizations across different case studies using participatory processes. From the premise that an integrated assessment dealing with the issue of sustainability not only has to be participatory but also...
Policy Recommendations and Policy Implementation Roadmap

Policy Recommendations and Policy Implementation Roadmap

GLAMUR’s Policy Recommendations and Policy Implementation Roadmap (Work Package 6) addresses the significance for policymakers of the performance based approach and the methodologies employed to assess and compare the performance of local and global food chains. It...
Database of Impacts

Database of Impacts

The Database (Work Package 3) collects, analyses and organizes data on the performance of food chains. To access the Database Manual, open the pdf file. D. Keuper, C. Rougoor – CLM Open/Download Database of Impacts (Opens in New...
Methodology evaluation report

Methodology evaluation report

The aim of this report is to compare and to evaluate the different methodologies that have been applied by the different partners to evaluate the performance of food chains. It is based on the results of a methodology evaluation questionnaire that has been filled in...
Synthesis Comparative Report

Synthesis Comparative Report

This document provides a synthesis of these results based on the thematic reports. Thematic reports (deliverable 4.1) were written guided by the following questions: What is the performance of local chains vs global chains in the studied subset? What are the most...

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